VVA Chapter 1028 Christmas Party
Chapter member Bill DeArmond visited Westridge Elementary School on Veterans Day and shared his Vietnam era flak jacket and steel pot with his grandson Evan and other students.
The Chapter held its third annual Christmas party on December 19th. The event was held at the Genesis Banquet Center on Telegraph Road in South County. Thanks to Gregg and Kathy Follmer and everyone else who helped organize the party. The venue was comfortable, the food great. A good time was had by all.
Entertainment was provided by "Once Upon an Occasion" who performed songs by the Andrew sisters from WWII.
Sadly, another brother passed away this year. Greg Wilson, was a long time member, and a proud veteran who served with the 101st Airborne in Vietnam.
Artwork provided by member Dennis Bivens
Greeting from Hill 37 in Vietnam 1969, from member Gregg Follmer
American Eagle Credit Union
Vietnam Veterans of America
Remembering Christmases Past
Chapter Chaplain Fred Dishner conducts the prayer service at Delmar Gardens Delmar Gardens as Fenton Mayor Polizzi looks on.
Chapter President Russ Whitener says a few words at the American
Eagle Credit Union ceremony
Additional photos on the Odds and Ends page.
At the November 4th monthly meeting representatives from the Lutheran Senior Services spoke about the opportunities and services provided by the Christian organization for senior Veterans.
Chapter Treasurer Tom Brophy recited the "Missing Man" narrative at Delmar Gardens.
Russ Whitener received the Honorable Order of Saint Barbara award from the United States Field Artillery Association. The coveted award was presented at the 2nd / 94th Battalion reunion in PigeonForge, TN.
Members of the Chapter attended Veterans Day events at Delmar Gardens of Meramec Valley in Fenton and a ceremony at American Eagle Credit union.
Gary Hutchison Memorial Chapter 1028
On Veterans Day members of the Chapter attended the annual Veterans Salute held at Delmar Gardens of Meramec Valley in Fenton.
Member Carl Gordon (R.) celebrating Christmas in Danang 1969