The Way We Were

Great White Hunters, L-R: Fleshman, Klingeman, LeGrand, Wilhiite

17th Field Artillery Regiment

"in Time of Peace, Prepare for War"


Mike served with B Battery, 2nd BN / 17th Field Artillery Regiment at  LZ Schueller near Camp Radcliff on HWY 19 in the Central Highlands from Jan 69 - Feb 70.  Battery B provided fire support to many operation during this period, including "Operation Stingray in March of 69

Mike with LZ visitors: Sandy Cronin on the left and Sheila Kuehl. Sheila played "Zelda" on the 60's sitcom The Many Loves of Dobie Gillis.

Mike at the LZ "Welcome" sign

It's been decades since we served. But to many of us, it seems like only yesterday.  Today we are old and slow; but once we were young and swift.  For those who never knew us then; and for those who can't remember when, take a look back at​  the way we were:

Gary Hutchison Memorial Chapter 1028

Mike next to the fastest Gun in the Battery: the Number One of the 105mm Howitzers at the LZ.

Vietnam Veterans of America


Mike Klingeman

Mike with one of the 105mm artillery rounds.

MIke roasting marshmallows at the LZ picnic.

Mike with one of the hardworking Mamasans