Andrea Mathews, Craig Mathews
DeArmond's grandson Josh, Bill DeArmond, Rosemary DeArmond
At the November 4th monthly meeting representatives from the Lutheran Senior Services spoke about the opportunities and services provided by the Christian organization for senior Veterans.
Mike Cook
Fred Dishner
Joe Kopff
Tom Brophy
Rick Marchand
Chapter 1028 Newsletter
Resurrection Cemetery
Jim Stroup. Bob DeLong Everett Nagel
Jefferson Barracks Cemetery 10//16/24
Tom Niemeyer Mike Erxleben
* Volunteers Missing from Photos:
On November 9th the Chapter held a fundraiser at he Dierbergs Store in Wildwood. Thanks go out to all the customers who donated and to the store management who supported our efforts. We also thank the volunteers who gave up part of their weekend
Mike Cicchese
OCT - DEC 2024
Honor Guard Team
Craig Mathews, Andrea Mathews, Mike Merz
Jefferson Barracks Cemetery
Member Tom Becker is featured in the November 11th Edition of the Webster-Kirkwood Times
Lake Chesterfield,Wildwood,MO
Jerry Bryant Carl Gordon
Breakfast at Bob Evans 10/16/24
Everett Nagel. Dave Fischer, Ken Hampton, Jim Stroup
Steve Spencer
Once a Marine...
On 11/8/24 Chapter 1028 Veterans attended the Veterans Day program at Crestview Middle school.
Dan Crowe enjoying breakfast at Bob Evans with Chapter members.
Chapter 1028 Newsletter
At the Meetings