At the November 4th monthly meeting representatives from the Lutheran Senior Services spoke about the opportunities and services provided by the Christian organization for senior Veterans.
Click the play button below for additional photos put to music. Courtesy of Tom Brophy's YouTube channel, tom5713.
...and on the receiving end....
Throughout the year Chapter 1028 donates money to select charities. A Soldiers Wish List is one of them. Our Treasurer, Tom Brophy, (holding the flag) was on hand to assist them during their busy season.
Approximately twenty members participated in the annual parade. After about three hours at the staging area the Chapter float was jump-started (literally) into the procession. Once again, the crowd showed great appreciation for our veterans. Watch the 10 minute video below to experience their enthusiasm.
The Chapter held its annual Christmas Party at the Genesis Banquet Center on February 11th. That's right, February! The event was originally schedule for December 15th but was cancelled due to an ice storm. We had a great turnout. The venue and the food were outstanding. This year we were entertained by the vocal group, "Once Upon an Occasion." The two ladies sang songs from the Vietnam era, including the favorite, "We Gotta Get Out of This Place."
Thanks to all who made the event memorable.
Vietnam Veterans of America
Below is a short video of the vocal group
Picking, wrapping, packing, shipping...
Dr. Herb Silva, a dentist and former Marine helicopter pilot in Vietnam, spoke about free Dental services available to Veterans.
Gary Hutchison Memorial Chapter 1028
Jackie Ingoldsby, an AMVETS Veteran Service Officer, offered help to Veterans in navigating the VA benefits program.