​On April 14th the Chapter held its second Trivia Night event at American Legion Post 162 in Lemay. Eighteen tables were filled with approximately 125 attendees. A good time was had by all.

In addition to the many individual donations for the Silent Auction, the following organizations made significant contributions for the attendance prizes: 
Grand Slam Restaurant & Bar
Michell James Salon
Great Clips (Hampton Village)

A Special Thank You to:

​Texas Road House (Kirkwood)

Numerous gift cards and bags of peanuts with coupons.

Julieann Najar, Founder of "A Soldiers Wish List presents a Certificate of Appreciation to Chapter 1028 for its support of deployed troops.

April 4th Meeting

Dan Crowe, Bill De Armond, Ken House, Larry Eckhoff and Tom Brophy

Treasurer Tom Brophy

Tom Brophy, Steve Fonod and StanNelms



Our distinguished judges: The Honorable Larry Eckhoff, the Honorable Bill De Armond, and the Honorable Don Aird

On June 19th about 40 members and guests visited Texas Roadhouse in Kirkwood to show our appreciation for their support of the Chapter's fundraising activities. The food was great and served by a friendly staff.  Our thanks to our host, TRH Managing Partner, Chris Spillman for an enjoyable evening.

L. to R. Don Aird, Dave Bierman, Dennis Filla, Dan Wilson and Edward Ucinski

On May 28th the Chapter helped celebrate Memorial Day at Fenton Park.  Our Honor Guard executed  the Three-volley salute and played taps at the conclusion of the ceremony.  Chapter President, Dan Crowe and Chapter Treasurer, Tom Brophy  were guest speakers.

Some of the volunteers who made the night a success

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Gary Hutchison Memorial Chapter 1028
Click Honor Flight tab at left for photos and video.

Vietnam Veterans of America

  Sarah Wallace was a special guest of the Chapter this Trivia Night.  Eleven years ago to the day her brother Sgt. Brandon Wallace was killed in Falluja, Iraq. Sarah was recognized for her sacrifice and given a commemorative book and a special quilt from the ladies of Quilts of Valor.

Kathy Soehngen representing Oakville Band Parents' Association spoke to the Chapter about the high school's planned trip Normandy, France in 2019. 

President Dan Crowe

April - June 2018

The Final Tally

Craig Mathews

Norm Franklin

Chapter 1028 Newsletter

Dan Crowe

Paul Dillon, President of POW-MIA Museum, displays a recently published book used as a learning tool for elementary and middle schools students. N IS FOR NEVER FORGET is a compelling journey through wartime history, honoring the sacrifices of prisoners of war (POWs), those missing in action (MIA), and their families.

At the Meetings
On May 26th the Chapter held fundraisers at the Dierberg's stores in Fenton, Arnold, and Wildwood. We thank the store managers, their patrons, and all the volunteers that made the event a success.