The silent auction was a huge success thanks to the contribution of our members and their families who donated valuable unique gifts; many of them handcrafted.
The Chapter has once again teamed up with Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing to send a disabled veteran on a once in a lifetime adventure into the wilds of Montana. The lucky veteran, Stephen Clymer enjoyed the beautiful Big Sky scenery and even caught a few fish. The trip was funded from an anonymous donation left in the memory of former Chapter member, the late Greg "Cowboy" Grass. Thanks to Chapter Member Ken House for coordinating the trip and making it a memorable experience for Stephen.
Flyer artwork provided by Dennis Bivens
In every fundraiser there are a handful of volunteers that make the event a success. This Trivia night our thanks go out to: Chief Coordinator/ Organizer, Tom Brophy and his supporting cast that arrived early and stayed late into the night: Steve Fonod, Ken House, Bill De Armond, Don Aird, Dennis Bivens, Norm Franklin, Lloyd Wilson, Stan Nelms.
At the Meetings
VVA Chapter 1028 Christmas Party
OCT - DEC 2018
Chapter 1028 Newsletter
On October 20th the Chapter held its third Trivia Night Fundraiser at American Legion Post 162 in Lemay. The event was a huge success for the Chapter. Proceeds from the event were earmarked for the Franklin County Honor Flight organization which sponsored a flight to D.C. for chapter members earlier in the year.
It was a bitter cold November 10th, but the weather didn't deter the hardy band of volunteers who stood for hours in front of three Dierbergs stores soliciting donations for the Chapter. We thank them and the customers who took time to pause in the cold to make a contribution.
At the Meetings
Tom Brophy
The Official digital Scoreboard
Click below to see Tom's Chapter 1028 Year in Review
Chapter 1028 Newsletter
Remembering Christmases Past
Please share with your VVA group that the Montana trip was one of the most peaceful and enjoyable times of my life..... even whilst being frozen to the core on the first day. I also reeled in what I could have sworn was going to be the biggest trout of my life. Imagine my surprise when it turned out to be just another average size trout. I never could have dreamed that a fish that size would pull and fight as hard as it did. I was eager to catch one bigger. Then I did, albeit a white fish, it to was a wonderful fight and I didn't really understand the disdain from the guide at catching it compared to the rainbow. Throughout the next couple of days I saw the most beautiful scenery, animals and fish that I had ever landed. I saw a giant brown that swam right past me with my fly in its mouth before taking off like a bullet and breaking my line. While I already believed my life's purpose is to be around this sport and using it to help others, the trip you all provided me solidified that. I am going to self fund a trip to guide school and do everything in my power to bring peace and maybe some happiness to others like myself.
Stephen Clymer
Greeting from Hill 37 in Vietnam 1969, from member Gregg Follmer
At the November 4th monthly meeting representatives from the Lutheran Senior Services spoke about the opportunities and services provided by the Christian organization for senior Veterans.
Member Carl Gordon (R.) celebrating Christmas in Danang 1969