In July the Chapter sponsored a trip to Montana with funds provided from an anonymous donor in memory of Greg Grass. Members Ken Hampton and Mike Patrick joined Ken House, the coordinator of the trip. After a flight delay, they spent a few days fishing and finished their trip doing some sightseeing in the area. They visited Great Falls of Missouri as well as the Lewis and Clark Interpretive Center.
Meeting September 4, 2019
Mike Patrick, Ken Hampton & Ken House
The Missouri National Veterans Memorial had its Grand Opening May 19th. It is an exact replica of the Wall in Washington D.C. Located in Perryville MO, it is a short 90 minute drive from I-270 South on I-55. Jim Eddleman and his wife Charlene still reside in the farmhouse that overlooks the ground they donated where the monument was built. Jim remains active with the MNVM and will occasionally attend the Tuesday Veteran's breakfast held at the visitors center.
Standing L to R: Terry Durham, Bill DeArmond, Russ Whitener, Norman Franklin, Carl Gordon, Carl Boley, Dan Crowe, Jackie Cooper, Dave Bierman. Seated: Tom Brophy. Missing from picture: Tom Moore, Larry Eckhoff, Bill Harding, Don Aird, Glen Short, John McDonald, Joe Shadduck, John Wilkinson, Gary Turney, George Collier, Larry Eckhoff, Ches Schneider. Deceased: Gary Hutchison, Dave Summers, Tom Lazear, Ron Bunch, Tim Trego, Greg Wilson, Walter Crawford, Larry Shockley, Warren Rudy,
Again, the monthly meeting was held at the American Legion Post 400 in Fenton. We thank them for their hospitality. It is unknown when the Chapter will be able to return to their usual location, Grand Slam Sport bar & Grill.
On August 27th approximately 60 members and guests attended a "Thank You" dinner at Texas Roadhouse in Kirkwood to show the Chapter's appreciation for the restaurant's continued support of our fund raising events. The event also highlighted the 10th anniversary of the Chapter. The food was good, the service great. Thanks to manager Chris Spillman and his excellent staff.
Gary Hutchison Memorial Chapter 1028
At the September meeting the original Charter Members were recognized for their service to the Chapter.
Jim and Charlene Eddleman
Vietnam Veterans of America
American Legion Post 400 in Fenton