Texas Roadhouse (Kirkwood),  Missouri Botanical Gardens, The Magic House, The Arch, St. Louis Art Museum, 61 Roadhouse, Pasta House, St. Louis Cardinals

Don Aird

Remembering Christmases Past

At the Meetings

  THANK YOU Crestview Middle School

OCT - DEC 2019

​The silent auction was a huge success thanks to the contribution of our members and their families who donated valuable unique gifts; many of them handcrafted

Gary Hutchison Memorial Chapter 1028

Dennis Bivens, Bill DeArmond, Don Aird


Greeting from Hill 37 in Vietnam 1969, from member Gregg Follmer 

Chapter 1028 Newsletter

Jackie Cooper (R) is recognized with a Quilt from the ladies of Quilts of Valor for his service to his country and Chapter VVA1028.

On November 4th, four members of the Chapter made a presentation at the Meramec Valley Branch Library in Fenton. The speakers: John Froidl, Dave Bierman, Don Aird and John Stillman spoke about their Vietnam experiences in-country, and  adjustment to civilian life after Vietnam. Included in the presentation were various weapons and gear used by the soldiers in Vietnam.

Vietnam Veterans of America

John Froidl


Trivia Night

Member Carl Gordon (R.) celebrating Christmas in Danang 1969

In every fundraiser there are a handful of volunteers that make the event a success. This Trivia night our thanks go out to: Chief Coordinator/ Organizer, Tom Brophy and his supporting cast  that arrived early and stayed late into the night:  Bill De Armond, Don Aird, Dan Crowe, John Byrd, Stan Nelms, Ken House, Dennis Bivens, Norm Franklin, Lloyd Wilson.


Chapter 1028 Newsletter

Below is a list of generous Corporate sponsors  who donated the many gifts for our drawings throughout the evening. Please patronize them whenever possible.

On November 9th the Chapter held a fundraiser at the Dierberg stores in Wildwood and Fenton. Thanks go out to all the customers who donated, and to the Store Management who supported our efforts.  We also thank the volunteers who gave up their Saturday, some of whom are pictured below.

On October 5th the Chapter held its fourth Trivia Night Fundraiser at American Legion Post 162 in Lemay. The event was a huge success for the Chapter. Twenty-three tables were filled with members and friends of VVA 1028.  Thank you to all.


Dave Bierman

Meeting October 2nd

The Chapter held its third annual Christmas party on December 19th.  The event was held at the Genesis Banquet Center on Telegraph Road in South County.  Thanks to Gregg and Kathy Follmer and everyone else who helped organize the party.  The venue was comfortable, the food great.   A good time was had by  all.

VVA Chapter 1028 Christmas Party

John Stillman

John Stillman, Don Aird, Dave Bierman, John Froidl

At the Meetings

Da Judges

VVA1028 member Craig Mathews (L) presents Crestview Middle School Vice-Principal Josh Walz ​with a Certificate of Appreciation for the school's program honoring all veterans.

Stories from Vietnam

Flyer artwork provided by Dennis Bivens

The Official Digital Scoreboard

Breakfast October 9th at Bob Evans located at HWY 141 & I-44

At the November 4th monthly meeting representatives from the Lutheran Senior Services spoke about the opportunities and services provided by the Christian organization for senior Veterans.