Working hard.

Tom says the sun doesn't shine in the tunnels.

Tom (L.) in front of sh*t burning operation.

Tom (R.) and friend at Bear Cat, Vietnam

Tom, after his return from Vietnam.

Tom served with the 1st Engineer Battalion of the 1st Infantry Division in Bear Cat, Vietnam in 1966.  
​During his tour he served as a member of the famous "Diehard Tunnel Rats."

Tom as a young recruit from Fort Leonard Wood in 1964

Gary Hutchison Memorial Chapter 1028

Vietnam Veterans of America



Tom Moore

It's been decades since we served. But to many of us, it seems like only yesterday.  Today we are old and slow; but once we were young and swift.  For those who never knew us then; and for those who can't remember when, take a look back at​  the way we were:

The Way We Were

Captured munitions.

Enemy VC under guard.

Type your paragraph here.

Well entrance to Viet Cong tunnel system

Tom (C.) and friends

"Fire in the Hole."  Making a clearing for an LZ.

Tom with his savior, Eddie Frazier

Track on fire after being hit by RPG

Relaxing around the campfire.

RTO Moore in the bush.