199th Light Infantry Brigade
"Light, Swift, Accurate."

The brigade was  formed at Fort Benning, Georgia in 1966. Nicknamed "The Redcatchers,"the 199th LIB was hastily moved to Song Be, Vietnam in December 1966 to provide an increased U.S.presence in the III Corps Tactical Zone and remained there until its return to Fort Benning in October 1970, where it was deactivated. While in Vietnam, the brigade was conducting Operation "Uniontown" in Dong Nai Province when the 1968 Tet Offensive began. It immediately began a defense of U.S.  II Field Force headquarters at Long Binh and the district of Cholon. During 1969 the 199th was responsible for the security of the region north and east of the capital.  In 1970 elements of Alpha Company, 3rd battalion, 7th Infantry provided support to Firebase Sun which came under attack by the NVA resulting in 125 enemy KIA. Later In 1970 the 199th moved into the "Iron Triangle" with the other units and participated in the Cambodian incursion.

The business end of a 106MM recoilless rifle.

Taking a shower near Firebase Mace 1970 (This photo has been edited).



It's been decades since we served. But to many of us, it seems like only yesterday.  Today we are old and slow; but once we were young and swift.  For those who never knew us then; and for those who can't remember when, take a look back at​  the way we were:

The Way We Were

John on a jeep mounted with 106MM recoilless rifle, 1970

John with M-16 near Firebase Mace 1970

At Firebase Mace next to Signal Mountain 1970

Ralph carrying a round at LZ Sally, June 1969

John served in Vietnam in 1970 with the 4th Platoon, 81MM Mortars, (Chief of Fire Direction) Alpha Company, 3rd Battalion, 7th Infantry, 199 Light Infantry Brigade

Gary Hutchison Memorial Chapter 1028

Vietnam Veterans of America

John Froidl