1st Marine Air Wing

Within 69 hours, after its departure from Japan, group elements launched the first attack against communist (Viet Cong) forces. While early missions involved Marine helicopters providing logistical support for South Vietnamese troops in their struggle to drive communist Viet Cong guerrillas from their country, this role quickly expanded when 1st MAW pilots and crewmen were called upon to perform their traditional role of providing close air support for Marine combat units as American involvement in the war escalated. The Group's mission in combat was carried out primarily by the F-8 support; air defense intercept; visual, photographic and electronic reconnaissance; electronic countermeasures; airborne tactical air control; illumination and combat logistical support for air/ground elements of the allied forces. While early missions involved Marine helicopters providing logistical support for South Vietnamese troops in their struggle to drive communistHelicopters played an extensive role in 1st MAW air operations in Vietnam, as Marine pilots flew UH-34's and later CH-46's and CH-53's to transport Marines into landing zones near suspected enemy concentrations, and to evacuate the wounded following combat engagements. Helicopters, supplemented by C-130 transports where there were landing strips, were also used to re-supply Marines in the field at remote outposts. Other Marine pilots, flew UH-1E Hueys, and Ah-1 Cobras on photo reconnaissance missions to locate suspected Viet Cong troop concentrations, and to identify potential landing zones for future operations. Many of these choppers also provided deployment of the Marine Corps' most sophisticated attack and fighter aircraft including the Douglas A-4, and the McDonnell F4B, as well as the maintenance, ordnance, and other support personnel necessary to ensure these Marine aircraft were ready when called upon to provide close air support for Marine ground units or other missions vital to the war effort.

Carl next to rocket crater near FSB Hell 55, ten miles south of Danang.

Carl, Don Meyr, "Crotch" Koch, and "Chewy" Wrigley near FSB Hell 55.

At home in Danang.

Carl and fiancé Patricia in November 1966  

Carl served with H & MS 11, MAG 11 of the 1st Marine Air Wing in Danang from June 1969 to may 1970

Gary Hutchison Memorial Chapter 1028

Vietnam Veterans of America



Carl Gordon

It's been decades since we served. But to many of us, it seems like only yesterday.  Today we are old and slow; but once we were young and swift.  For those who never knew us then; and for those who can't remember when, take a look back at​  the way we were:

The Way We Were

Carl (R.) celebrating Christmas in Danang, 1969

Carl (L.) with Don Meyr somewhere in Arizona Territory.

On top of Monkey Mountain near Danang

Carl (L.) at "Hell 55" Fire Support Base