Bill served in the Air Force from 1964 - 1968.  He was with the 20th Special Operations Squadron known as the "GreenHornets" which participated  in projects Sigma and Omega.Other operations included: Daniel Boone, Prairie Fire, and Shining Brass. The Green Hornets also supported GreenBeret recon  teams in the Central Highlands, Laos, and Cambodia.  On Thanksgiving Day 1967 they assisted in the Dak To battle for Hill 875 by providing gunship and Medivac support for the 173rd and other units.


Gary Hutchison Memorial Chapter 1028

Vietnam Veterans of America



Bill Harding

It's been decades since we served. But to many of us, it seems like only yesterday.  Today we are old and slow; but once we were young and swift.  For those who never knew us then; and for those who can't remember when, take a look back at​  the way we were:

The Way We Were

Patch after 1968

Original Patch 1967
"Don't let the Little Bastards get you Down"


Green Hornet Sgt.Ron Wilkerson with 7.62 minigun.

Left door gunner Sgt. Bill -- ready for action.

5th Special Forces Green Beret recon team prior to insertion into Laos by Green Hornet Huey.

An Air Force NCO eating C-rations!

Sgt .Jim Ludvig

UH-1F Huey Gunship, 1967

Rubbing shoulders with Thai Army grunts, 1966

Montagnard Tribesmen recon team.

Green Beret SFC Jerry "Mad Dog" Shriver prepping his team prior to insertion into Laos in 1967.  Shriver went MIA in 1968.

Bill preparing for a mission to Dak To, November 1967.

Bunker duty, NKP Thailand, 1966

Crew Chief / Door Gunner, Bill, next to UH -1F Hornet Gunship, Nha Trang, June 1967